Where’s Alexa?

Who has she laughed with recently?

Alexa runs a weekly ZOOM laughter club – on Monday evenings at 6:00 PM ET .

This is a public laughter session and everyone aged 16+ is welcome!

(Please check the meetup.com listing to ensure the meeting is on!)

Philadelphia Area LAUGHTER YOGA Club (Delaware County, PA)

Media, PA
33 Laughter Yoga Club members

PHILADELPHIA AREA LAUGHTER YOGA CLUBPHILADELPHIA AREA LAUGHTER YOGA CLUBHello, we are Laughter Yoga Teachers Alexa Drubay andErnie Oktay.  Laughter Leaders Jakki Hines an…

Next Meetup

Laughter Exercises to reduce Stress and celebrate life (Lau…

Sunday, Jan 27, 2019, 2:00 PM
8 Attending

Check out this Meetup Group →

Some Upcoming Laughter Highlights:

Alexa has been invited to train the Coatesville, PA Veterans Admin. Medical Center Staff as certified Laughter Yoga Leaders

share laughter with high school students in NJ for Mental Health and Motivation

share her program with Drexel Hospital Anesthesia nurses

present her wellness experience at the United Nations Office of Drug and Crime/ Conference of States Parties’ Anti Corruption Conference in Atlanta, GA

To find out more about who she has laughed with, please check out her client list and numerous testimonials.